I came; I saw; I conquered: a strategy for launching advertising campaigns
The best strategic plan is useless if it cannot be executed tactically.
In affiliate marketing, campaigns are not launched without a strategy. It is needed in order to know exactly when searching for offers: for what and why you are going to launch, where is the most interesting offer.
If you have not chosen the tactics of launching advertising campaigns, we suggest immersing yourself in the classics. These options can be taken as a basis, but it is easy to change them to your liking.
Tier 2 and Tier 3
Strategy as the best option at the beginning with a small budget.
Tier 2 and Tier 3 traffic is several times cheaper than Tier 1 traffic. The other side of the coin - the payouts for the offer are lower.
But on “budget” GEOs, your entry threshold, the budget for tests and campaigns is also reduced. You can test more offers to get a result.
Low payout offers
This strategy does not limit you in choosing a GEO. Cheap offers involve a lot of leads if you plan to make money, for example, by downloading a game.
For a beginner, the “endless” green lines in the tracker will be a great motivation to continue working in affiliate marketing. Even if the profit is low. This is what you need to get started and develop your skills.
One vertical
There are a lot of verticals, it makes no sense to try everything at once. It is better to choose one vertical to your liking or one where you already have experience.
For example, you understand technology or nutra, have experience in crypto, or are interested in sports betting. Then you can concentrate on this vertical and the ones relevant to it.
The downside of this choice is the seasonality of the product and the limited number of offers on an interesting topic/vertical.
Spy - services / copying advertising campaigns
It may seem tempting. Copied the campaign that you found through the spy service - everything is ready.
But the real efficiency of this strategy is exaggerated. To put it mildly.
Firstly, most beginners try to make money without doing anything. That is, everyone starts one and the same, with one approach.
Secondly, the offer quickly burns out, and the effect of banner blindness takes place.
You need to use Spy services not only to create effective creatives. But also to search for ideas, inspiration, and experience, what and how it works for others. More about why you need to use spy services here.
The other option of the copy-paste strategy is copying green cases. But if with the first option, with a quick response and copying campaigns, something can work out, then with the second option - no. No one will ever share a converting offer, and that's a fact. Why you should not copy other people's "green" cases, we wrote here.
All together and at once
The minimum threshold for guaranteed success: to launch 10 offers from different verticals simultaneously to desktop and mobile traffic. At the same time, testing new sources and offers.
It seems to be logical, if one campaign fails, there are still 5 others. Where will the profit come from? Give or take it will go to zero or even plus, if you're lucky.
With all the logic of the theory, it will be difficult for a beginner to conduct such orchestras. Scattering attention in all directions and at once - the path to rapid burnout.
Strategy and testing are one of the cornerstones of success in affiliate marketing.
Thinking over a hypothetically profitable and win-win strategy, remember: the budget, experience, skill and knowledge may not be enough.
Fortunately, strategy is not something that is chosen once. Strategies can be combined, modified, changed to authors' liking. In short - be flexible! Good luck!