Truth or false?
How many notifications do you receive during the day?
How many of them do you ignore and why?
Can you tell by barely looking at the banner what this ad is about? And scroll further, because you’ve seen it before.
Let’s try to figure it out in this article, what is banner blindness associated with and what is “base burnout”.
And is the average user really getting 46 push notifications per day?
Borrowed creatives
When you see 20 identical creatives in a row:
“You have 1 unread message” with a smiling girl or a message “Take a magic pill and lose weight over 100 kg in 1 day”
You will no longer react to them.
Everybody is tired of constantly repeating creatives that affiliates “borrow” from each other.
“It’s better to turn off notifications right away”
Base burnout
After the user subscribes to the distribution of notifications, his “life cycle” begins.
The longer the subscription “lives”, the more advertising the subscriber has time to receive.
More than half of subscribers unsubscribe within the first day.
The other half just doesn’t know how to do it.
Accordingly, the chances of conversion are highest at the beginning of this cycle.
When creating a campaign, select “High” and “Medium” user activity.
Without “fresh” subscriptions to the database, it “burns out”; i.e its quality for the advertiser is noticeably reduced.
Why is that?
According to research conducted in the United States in 2019, a user receives about 46 push notifications per day, not counting the newsletters received by email. It can be assumed that as of October 2020, the number has increased significantly.
Only 14% of web page visitors can remember which ad they saw last.
For most users, notifications are annoying. Which brings no benefit or meaning with it. Let’s add to this the fact that advertisements all look alike.
Users have long developed a “banner blindness syndrome.”
Banner blindness is a phenomenon in which the user ignores any advertising content.
The only exception can be those creatives that will break through banner blindness or will be relevant and interesting to the user at the moment.
Of course, it’s easier to go to PIXABAY, download the image as seen in the case with 10000% Roi, insert it into your campaign and press the launch button.
Only with a probability of 99.9% it will not bring the expected result.
Good creative isn’t just about images and catchy text. Understanding who you are going to “hook”, what this person is interested in at the moment, and what his/hers needs are, is one of the key elements.
Because a middle-aged man is not interested in manicure sets; and a woman on maternity leave has no interest in wheels for a car, even if they are super fancy.
Come up with new approaches to creatives, test different options, try to break through banner blindness and hit the bull’s-eye, then your ad will convert.
Link to the original study, the data of which are provided in this article.