That will convert and bring profit!
Katrina L

At the end of the article, a real example with numbers!


The Internet is filled with ads, and for us this means that the cost per click grows as well as the cost per lead. Therefore, the ability to make good Creative is more relevant than ever.

There are so many ads that it frankly annoys many, people close notification pop-ups by barely looking at them. No one is  interested in just a beautiful picture with text. This phenomenon is called banner blindness. The gaze focuses only on what is of interest at the moment, and completely ignores everything else. One second is enough for a modern person to decide whether he is attracted to an image or not. The text is out of the question, hardly anyone reads beyond the first three words, so the question arises: How to attract and keep the audience’s attention in this situation?

You probably know that Push notifications consist of three parts: an image, a title, and a description.

 The image size in Push notifications is very small. Therefore, complex images with a lot of details are not suitable. It is best to opt for something very simple, concise, understandable and eye-catching. A logo or icon that matches the message in the Push Notifications will do just fine.
Color plays an important role. Proven: red causes aggression and annoyance, for example, it can be used in antivirus verticals. Green and blue, on the other hand, evoke a sense of calm and trust. Thus, we conclude that using a suitable color in a Creative can increase its conversion. The size and color is out of the way.
The more succinct the better. Title with a maximum of 25 characters that will catch and motivate to read the main message.
Write down the most important information in the title:
  1. Brand name.
  2. A bright slogan/Catchy.
  3. Amount of discount.
  4. Limited time offer.
Rhetorical questions in push notifications should be discarded. Only specific offers and a minimum of description.
  • Get the customer interested, so that he reads the entire message.
  • Personalized titles are much more likely to succeed.
  • In some cases, an informal approach is more effective.
For instance: notifications from cosmetics brand X

 “Just as you are about to take a break from shopping, X-Discount Week happened. We’re sorry. ”

The message is playful and with overtones. There is a good chance that it will not leave the reader indifferent. In general, referring to emotion when composing titles is universal. If you aroused emotion or desire to learn more, the person clicked the link. An example of an advertisement with an RPG game:

“You definitely won’t make it to level 5!”

Personalized, yes! Evokes emotions, excitement – yes! Bingo! Provocative titles also attract attention, but you need to be careful here, they really need to be valuable and shouldn’t be sent out too often. Emojis are also a great addition to any message, they “catch” and increase the conversion.
 Examples of Creatives
  • Online game vertical.
First, Creative (120888) that showed a negative ROI, as you can see in the screen above.
There is a question in the title, no call to action. The image in the icon is not clear. It is not clear what they are trying to say. The main picture is also not saying much.  
Creative (120888)
This Creative showed negative results in A / B testing.
Creative (120818).
An example of a second Creative for the same product. In the screen creative 120818. Please note: ROI 69.13%. Image – the logo of the game. Call to action in title and description – “just confirm your email and get a free bonus”. Everything is clear and understandable, and the color of the image is also blue.
When launching a new offer, always use 2-3 Creatives, do several approaches and test it out. Only real numbers will show how good your Creative is.
Monitor the situation –  if it doesn’t work, then shut it down, and if the tests show a good result, then start scaling and gaining momentum. Keep track of what your competitors are doing, but don’t forget to make and test new Ceatives yourself. Your task is to study the target audience as best as possible, to understand what they think about and how they make decisions. I wish you inspiration and good Creatives!