How to increase ROI by 30%
With the help of a scheduler.
Today we will talk about the little tricks of the affiliate marketer that will allow you to avoid unnecessary costs, optimize campaigns more effectively, and thereby increase your ROI.
The Scheduler marketing tool will help us with this, which can be found in the campaign settings.
How much can depend on the correct time and day for sending a push notification?
The answer to this question is in this article.
Times of Day
By analyzing the effectiveness of the campaign in the context of the time of day when sending push notifications, we can notice patterns that are beneficial for us.
In the first screenshot, we see that from 5 am to noon people practically did not make any purchases, while the best Conversion rate was from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Tests are the key to success.
In this case, the most logical solution would be to create a separate campaign with a higher bid during the most efficient hours.
Whereas in a general campaign, you should disable newsletter in the morning, so as not to waste your budget.
By performing this optimization, we will not only increase conversions by focusing on hours of user activity, but also save money, which gives us additional ROI at the end.

Less investment more profit.
In the second screenshot, we see how the conversion drops sharply after 2 a.m.
You can also see that ROI is negative in the first half of the day, and the offer starts converting well only in the second half of the day.
We conclude that in this case, buying traffic in the first half of the day is not effective.

Days of the week
Much depends on the offer you are working with. Different target audiences are active not only at different times of the day, but also on different days of the week.
Campaigns with Dating are more likely to be more popular closer to the weekend than on Monday.
Whereas the likelihood that someone will be interested in office supplies on Sunday is very small.
In addition to the day of the week, pay attention to the dates: pre-holiday periods, non-working days, as well as days of advance payment and salary. All of these can affect conversion rates.

This example clearly shows the dynamics of sales by days of the week.
As we can see, sales are best done on Monday, after which purchases are reduced and on Sunday CR generally drops by 2 times.
Note that in this screenshot there is a fairly long period of time, and there were both profitable and unprofitable days. This gives us enough data to analyze.
Based on the foregoing, it is obvious that during the tests one should calmly treat fluctuations.
Once again, we will repeat the truism – it is important to collect ENOUGH data for analysis.
Imagine running a test over the weekend and getting an unsatisfactory result? If you draw conclusions based on only two days, most likely they will be wrong.
The last example, in the 4th screenshot, you can see that the lowest CR is on Sunday and Monday.
In order to draw the correct conclusion, it was necessary to collect data for several weeks.

We must remember that: behind the dry numbers in the tracker there are real people, with their own needs, mood changes and desires.
Try to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience, how often do you take out a card and make a purchase at night? Or during lunch? Do you like thinking about work on a day off?
Choose your target audience seriously, it will be a strategically important decision. Tomas Kellner, General Electric.
Each offer will have similar statistics, from which you can see the dependence of your income on the time of day and day of the week.
With this information, you can further optimize your campaigns.
This is not done as quickly as optimization for OS, language, browser, zone, placements.
It takes a little longer to collect data here, but you will be pleased with the result. Do not forget about this opportunity and use it!