Affiliate marketing: Does it live up to your expectations?
Katrina L

If you are thinking about a career in affiliate marketing, prepare for an information tsunami.

The Internet is full of myths about easy money and stories of ‘successful’ affiliate marketers who allegedly earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.

Let’s figure out what’s really behind this rapidly growing trend, promises of untold income and a carefree life on the beach with cocktails.

How does affiliate marketing actually work?
Affiliate marketing - is not a magic wand, but a method of promoting products or services online in order to earn a commission. Partners, also called affiliates, attract customers to websites through advertising, blogs, video reviews, and other online channels. Affiliates receive a reward for each click or purchase.
The reality is that the methods may differ, but the basis is always competent traffic management and the ability to attract the client's attention. The size of the reward depends on the chosen payment model. You can read more about the models here.
Will I become rich tomorrow?
The legends of "easy money" in affiliate marketing are reminiscent of stories about winning the lottery. Yes, you can make money, and yes, some people make big money. But the ugly truth is that most people lose their investment, just like in trading.
According to statistics, only 5% of those who come to “try” themselves in the field remain in this industry. The numbers are sobering. Most newbies spend months, sometimes years, learning to develop the necessary skills and knowledge. So if you dream of quitting your job to become an affiliate, it is possible, but definitely not tomorrow. Starting with affiliate marketing as a side hustle or hobby is a more realistic approach.
Why is affiliate marketing not all about the beach and cocktails?
Despite popular myths, affiliate marketing is far from passive income. It is not something you can just “set up once and forget about.” It is a constant work that includes analysis, optimization, experiments with traffic, and searching for profitable offers.
Yes, over time you can automate some processes, but at the start you will have an active, intense and, at times, tiring path.
How much can you really earn?
Affiliate earnings range from “barely enough for a coffee” to “a villa by the sea”.
According to statistics: 57% of affiliates earn less than $10,000 per year, about 16% earn from $10,000 to $50,000, and 8% earn from $50,000 to $100,000 per year. Only 6% earn more than $100,000.
Could affiliate marketing be your dream career?
Yes, it can! Many people started with affiliate marketing as a hobby, which eventually turned into a full-fledged profession. You can read an article about how affiliate marketing can become part of your Ikigai - a business that brings not only money but also satisfaction. However, it is important to remember that this is not a stable “9 to 5” job. In affiliate marketing, you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse, monitor new trends and be prepared for rapid changes.
Who can become a master of affiliate marketing?
If only Severus Snape can be a master of potions, then in theory, anyone can be a master of affiliate marketing. But not everyone manages to get to the top.
Here analytical skills, knowledge of marketing and, of course, love of experiments will come in handy. It is important to understand that only 10% of affiliates bring 90% of all conversions. That is, only the most persistent achieve success.
What to expect on the road to success?
To succeed in affiliate marketing, you will have to dive into marketing, create content, optimize websites, and test many hypotheses. This requires constant learning and experimentation.
As in any business, the secret to success is persistence, willingness to learn, and the ability to quickly adapt to change. You should start by choosing a niche and GEO, as well as mastering the basics of optimization. And don't forget about having a strategy - it will help direct your efforts in the right direction. Read more about how to become successful in affiliate marketing here.
Is it worth your effort?
If you still hope for endless green statistics and an endless stream of money from profit, then most likely affiliate marketing will disappoint you. However, if you are ready for challenges, affiliate marketing can become a real opportunity for earning.
Are we on the same path?
Find out how to choose a reliable affiliate and avoid scammers who will never pay you money in our article here.
If this all sounds interesting to you, welcome to the world of affiliate marketing!
At Vimmy, we are always happy to help you! Register an account, launch your first campaign and go for success!