A list of some hot SEO tips for publishers
Anna N

The Internet is so full of various content, and everyday much more things are published. Your content is a tiny drop in this huge ocean. But if you know how to make Search Engines work for you, you may become a king. A clear SEO strategy is an effective way to be more visible for your users.

You do not need some magic spells and formulas to generate excellent results. You just need to work hard and test new tips if you get them somehow. No witchcraft will create thousands of visits tomorrow at once, but you should follow our list of tips and ideas. And your first success will appear in 3 months.

Content is almost everything
Bad empty content is an epic fail. There is no reason to improve your SEO if your articles and texts are not entertaining, interesting, useful or relevant to users’ issues.
SEO must be placed when some certain content value is existing. Relevant topics, problems and subjects, which are close to the audience, so do not base your content strategy on yourself. You are not your visitors.
Quality keyword study
What are the keywords that you are interested in ranking? Here is the fundament of SEO strategy. Frankly speaking, the question is “what is it that the user should type on Google when they find you”?
Though it is not a fast and easy task to do a keyword study. There are some free web tools like AnswerThePublic. You type your term and find lots of ideas on how to write about your thing. But first choose your ranking words! It is no sense to work on your content creation unless you fix your necessary keywords to your niche.
SEO education
There is no SEO school existing. But you may use the Internet and look for some free lessons and videos. Some essential notions of SEO are what you need to research.
Google or YouTube can also help you a lot, there are free lectures and some examples of practice. Remember that SEO is a living thing, it does not stand still. So you are to live in the moment and check all the news and tips regularly.
No black SEO
Buying backlinks, using strange techniques such as posting in a thousand forums or purchasing abandoned domains is a bad idea. It is black SEO which may cause problems. Search Engines will penalize you if you use shady ways to improve your SEO.
But some people really suppose that they should buy backlinks! All this is called Black Hat SEO, and one should never think about it because the final point of such a strategy can turn out to be very expensive.
SEO takes time like every part of work. But if you do your best and work for a few months, your visitors will certainly come and bring you traffic and income.
Just pay attention to your keywords, create amazing content, care about your SEO, do not cheat. If you spend more time taking care of your project regularly, results will appear and you will see that you did it all right.