A clear guide on how to write great content for publishers
Anna N

It has already been told many times, but Vimmy team is going to give you one more look into writing content. Any process always has several clear steps, so one must follow them in a particular sequence. 

First you must choose your text type. There are lots of texts for web pages. So choose one focusing on the nature of your site. And read your guide.

Choose a topic
It must be relevant for your target audience. Do not forget about corresponding to a type query (information, navigation, target purchasing).
Do a research on your topic
Even if you are certainly sure about your super 80 level expertise, go and google. It is always a must to look for fresh and new articles dedicated to the same issue. You will certainly find something to refresh and something to learn.
Identify your article's objective
What is your main goal and why is it so important? Because otherwise it will be no sense to write about something unclear. Every article has a certain purpose. It is not about you, it is about your readers. The article must answer something like:
  1. What’s in it for me?
  2. Why should I buy this from you?
  3. What do I need to do to get it?
  4. Why should I buy here, not from competitors?
Identify your bullet points
Make a list of your main points and cover them briefly. Make notes to remember what you should focus on in your article.
Write a draft copy of your article
Just complete one draft version of your text and try to put all the  essential points there. Do not worry too much, the text structure will appear as soon as you begin writing.
Check if the listed points are close to the primary objectives
You must concentrate on the main benefits for your customer who goes and gets your product.
Tell more about the value of your product, do it clearly, and understand. Add a good CTA. here it is!
Verify the information
This is very important. Because fact-checking is fundamental to a good and valuable article.
Researching data, expert opinions, checking numbers and names is a key to a useful text. Share your information correctly.
Draft a plan for your article
It helps you to be sure that your storytelling is convincing and powerful. And also check if you mentioned all the important points.
Make a draft version of the article
Keep all the goals and facts in mind when you do it. Mention the real problems and issues for your readers. And surely check with the plan you’ve created earlier.
Edit the draft article
Give you time. Wait like a day or several hours at least and go. Do a read, edit all the necessary things. Maybe you will rewrite something, this is normal.
A quick check how to edit your text
  • Leave no water, the text must be valuable and clear
  • Your writing style must be consistent, no language mixing
  • No fake emotions this looks suspicious
  • No overload with  introductory phrases
  • No tautologies
  • No cliches, use natural words and language
  • No slang words, no industry words, no difficult words
  • No word repetitions, make it various
  • Add subtitles, numbered and marked lists, make it readable
This was all about text writing. Following Vimmy guide you will be able to improve your content quality and get more readers. Always do your best and check it all twice if you want the best results and revenues.